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- Adblock Plus - surf the web without ads
- Darrell Duffie - my PhD thesis advisor
- Department of Statistics, Stanford University
- GitHub - my open source projects
- KeePass - a cross-platform password manager
- Linux Mint - a desktop-friendly derivative of Debian
- Namecheap - the domain registrar used for hosting this website
- Notepad++ - a powerful text and source code editor
- R - a language and environment for statistical computing. Some useful packages:
- mgcv - generalized additive models
- RMariaDB - interface to MariaDB and MySQL
- roxygen2 - a Javadoc-like in-source documentation system
- testthat - a unit testing framework
- XLConnect - read and write Excel files
- RStudio - an integrated development environment (IDE) for R
- Sumatra PDF - a PDF reader with lean user interface (unlike Adobe Reader)
- Synology - NAS devices to host your own file sharing service, photo galleries, etc.
- WinEdt - a text editor with good LaTeX integration